Good Living, Good Life: Clean Eating



Hi My Doves,

I can’t do a theme on good living, without covering good eating. So I’ll keep it brief, since we have all heard it before

Since I moved out on my own I have found I eat vegetarian most of the week. I don’t mean to, but I do. I eat more good food then I have before. It has been something I have set out to do but it’s just something that has happened. Don’t get me wrong, I am still a girl who enjoys that heck out of an eye fillet, esp with mustard is involved

No, I am not changing my name to Dawn-Earthchild and joining a cult called the perpetual-children-of-sunshine and I have no plans to live off bean-curd and a smoothie that looks to pond scum but I am finding myself eating better and I am noticing the difference.


I have a few away friends (friends that live far away) that are vegetarian/vegan that have worked their magic and opened my mind. Gone are the days when the child in my mind said ‘it’s green – yuk’ – give me a plate of beans, snow peas and broccolini  and I am a happy girl. It’s amazing what an open mind and good influences can do – ‘Doll, just try this. Trust me’

At work one of my friends has a pomegranate tree and we sit at our desk eating pomegranate all afternoon. Another time we all sat at our desks and ate raw, cold snow peas out of the refrigerator. It was those small steps that lead the way for a change for me.

Don’t get me wrong – when I craved a cheese burger on Thursday – I had that cheeseburger – and it was good  but I think as much as people hear the saying Balance Is Key – not a lot of people understand it. I’m not here to convert you, I am not here to judge you but if you feel up to it. If you want to change in your life. Give clean eating a try for a week – see how the suit fits and here’s some links to get you started

20 Habits That’ll Get You Fit for Summer

OMFG Vegan “Crab” Cakes

Fun,Flirty Water

Any One Hungry

Finding Your Centre



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